Tuesday, January 31, 2012

broken record

During Breakfast this morning with aunt Heddy and Jenna, Emma has been jibber-jabbing something all morning.  It was the same thing over and over.
“blah, blah, ahh, ahhh, as Aunt Heddy would say it`s milk talk.  Something, something, something.
It’s cute but it is getting a bit annoying…
I just about said, “You sound like a broken record.”  Until I realized that she wouldn’t have the faintest idea what that meant. Then I thought, “…like a scratched CD”, but quickly nixed that for being before her time too.
“…like an .mp3 stuck on repeat?”

I feel old

Aunt Heddy and Emma

Jenna and Emma

Jenna, Emma and I

Thanks Ladies for a GREAT morning

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